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February 13, 2020
Morning Consult National Poll, Post-New Hampshire: Sanders Rises to 29%, Opens Up a Ten Point Lead on Biden (19%)
Politico previewed Biden's collapse yesterday:
"There’s blood in the water," said Quentin James, executive director of The Collective, a political action committee that backs African American candidates. "Black voters are starting to leave him now.... A big reason lots of black voters were with Biden is they thought he was the best person to beat Trump. And they thought one reason for that is that he had the support of white voters. Now they see he has done so poorly with white voters and he no longer looks like the electability candidate."
"This is horrendous. We're all scared," said a Biden adviser, speaking anonymously because the comments conflict with the brave public face the campaign is trying to broadcast. "I think we're going to make it to South Carolina. I know we're supposed to say we're going to and we’re going to win. But I just don’t know."
As noted by RedState, Van Jones predicted this too. He noted that Biden expects black voters to make up with all his "deficits" with other voters.
But he also pointed out that black people switched to supporting Obama when they saw Obama could win white votes. (In Iowa, I think.)
But now they're looking at Biden -- the supposedly "electable" candidate -- and seeing that no one is voting for him except black people.
Biden's event in South Carolina -- which was an attempt to distract from his disaster in New Hampshire -- was itself, get this, a disaster.

The exodus seems to be happening.
Meanwhile, NeverTrump quislings and kapos -- who joined a Republican Party they had no particular attachment to just to take it over and lead it ruinously -- are now attempting to issue orders to their new party, the Democrat Party.
And -- this is amusing -- Democrats are telling them to go f*** themselves.
So we have that much in common.
The problem? Just as in 2016 with the Republican party, essentially no one in the Democrat party cares what they think. In fact, the tiny number of overly-represented media voices that have centered their existence around defeating the orange man is becoming more and more unwelcome in their new home.
Honestly, I kind of get it. Republicans had to deal with this unearned sense of entitlement and superiority throughout the 2016 election. Now they want to jump into a new party and start dictating who that party should nominate in the very next election? That’s pretty presumptive on their part.
It also shows an out-sized self-evaluation of their own intellect. These are the same people who got every single thing about 2016 wrong. Why would any Democrat heed their "warnings" about Bernie Sanders when they’ve shown to be awful at political prognostication? The fact that Never Trump are so certain he'll lose to Trump actually makes me think Bernie might perhaps be the toughest challenger.
Jazz finger-snaps in applause.
Below, the tweet containing the poll's topline.
Thanks to wut.