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EMT 01/25/20 »
January 24, 2020
March For ONT
Happy Friday Morons. Say, did you ever look at satellite imagery of your house? I figured I'd take a peek at mine. Hey, wait a minute!
March For Life
Had a great time at the march today, but I'm a bit tired so I'm not going to be real gregarious tonight. One funny thing from the march, however. The Smithsonian metro stop was closed (that's the one that drops you off in the middle of the march), so we (Little and I) had to get off at L'Enfant Plaza, which is a couple of blocks off the Mall. When we got to Independence, we were stopped, told that nobody could cross the road, and watched as dozens of police officers spread out along the road. So that's how we had a curbside spot for the presidential motorcade. We were much closer to Trump at that point than we were for his speech, the Mall was jammed with people wall to wall and treetop tall. After that we marched down Pennsylvania Ave. I stopped at the Canadian Embassy and demanded Alberta beef from the embassy staff watching the march (they refused my demands). Rather than continue up onto Capital Hill (which becomes another huge crush of people as the march ends), we peeled off and headed to the Judiciary Square metro station. Some old lady (Lib. I mean, she had to be) sitting on 3rd St NW commented to us “You two look dangerous in those hats” (Little was wearing a MAGA hat and I had a Trump 2020 KAG hat). Little politely said “Thank you” to her and we continued on to the metro. All in all, a very good day.
Rest In Peace
The great conservative philosopher Robert Scruton passed away last week. In his memory you should read his essay Why I became a conservative
I suspect this book would resonate with him: ‘The Age of Entitlement’ Review: The Dividing Line. The so-called progress of the 1960s came at a staggering cost.
Gimmie Fever
98.6 Degrees Fahrenheit Isn’t the Average Anymore
According to this study, the average human temp is now 97.5, not 98.6. That's a staggering difference for 150 years, why? Theories at the link.
Jaw Dropping
This is a bit from a story by a Vice reporter on smart guns. I honestly about shit a brick when I watched it. I think my exact response was “Holy mother of fuck!”
And to think, I used to chide Little when he was 5 if he didn't maintain trigger discipline while playing with his toy guns. No wonder these yahoos think guns are so dangerous. In their hands, they are. I also noticed that the asshole from the alphabet agency was about as useful as a cock flavored lollipop.
Good Lawfare
Family Sues DEA and TSA After Elderly Man's Life Savings Were Seized at Airport
The fact that these government agencies just take money from people – they just take the cash – when there is no question of a crime involved is amazing to me. It's amazing that they do it when there is a crime involved, although I'm prepared to listen to counter arguments (I reject them, but I'll allow that it is a reasonable POV). What's most amazing of all, however, is that we allow it. Maybe this lawsuit will change that.
Globull Warming
Chemistry Expert: Carbon Dioxide Can’t Cause Global Warming
The article argues that it can't raise the temperature of the oceans, which isn't quite the same thing.
Sharpshooter's Tree
A diminutive plaque recalls the treetop sniper who almost killed Abe Lincoln
Contemporary accounts note hew was “wounded by an equally good Union marksman of his kind” and died shortly thereafter.
Puerto Rico
In case you missed it, this week they discovered a huge amount of aid that was sent to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria has been rotting in warehouses ever since. So, how are the Puerto Ricans taking the news?
I hope they use it.
Antifa Report
Tonight's ONT brought to you by copyright infringement:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:57 PM
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