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December 19, 2019

Uberwoke Failed Screenwriter JK Rowling: Biological Sex Is Real
Leftists/Trans Extremists: You, Sir, are Cancelled

It's a Blessing of Liberty (TM) from our British friends!

A charity worker was fired because she expressed the illegal opinion that biological sex is real and not just a fantasy.

Apparently a fantasy that everyone is in the thralls of, except the 0.1% of the population which is "trans." See, they're the rational ones here. Everyone else is crazy.

A court has upheld her firing, saying her beliefs were entitled to no protection under British law and "not worthy of respect in a democratic society."

As a matter of law, this judge has rules that British law now states, categorically, that it is illegal to suggest that trans "women" are in any way different from actual women.

It's illegal.

And it's coming to America sooner than you think.

Note that American judges routinely cite the opinions of European and especially British judges when announcing Brave New World diktats for the US.

A researcher who lost her job at a thinktank after tweeting that transgender women cannot change their biological sex has lost a test case because her opinions were deemed to be "absolutist".

In a keenly anticipated judgment that will stir up fresh debate over transgender issues, Judge James Tayler, an employment judge, ruled that Maya Forstater's views did "not have the protected characteristic of philosophical belief."


The Central London employment tribunal convened a preliminary hearing over the issue of whether her tweets, such as "men cannot change into women", should be protected under the 2010 Equality Act. She funded her legal challenge through the CrowdJustice website.


But in a 26-page judgment released late on Wednesday, Tayler dismissed her claim. "I conclude from /// the totality of the evidence, that [Forstater] is absolutist in her view of sex and it is a core component of her belief that she will refer to a person by the sex she considered appropriate even if it violates their dignity and/or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. The approach is not worthy of respect in a democratic society."

JK Rowling tweeted that it was wrong to fire someone for stating, you know, basic common sense and proven science.

People are now being cancelled for noticing that the sexes are real things, and made up 90% of biological fact.

They've called to #Cancel her.

"Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real?" tweeted Rowling, adding the hashtags #IStandWithMaya and #ThisIsNotADrill.

Rowling's tweet was interpreted as transphobic by activists and members of the LGBTQ community, with self-identified "queer femme" journalist Alex Berg saying, "Trans women are women and trans people deserve the right to self-identify however they need."

The LGBTQ rights and lobbying group Human Rights Campaign chimed in, saying "Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Non-binary people are non-binary. CC: JK Rowling," while the organization’s president, Alphonso David, said Rowling should apologize for “promoting a harmful fundamentalism that endangers the LGBTQ community."

Rowling wasn’t alone: British Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies also supported Forstater, saying "I believe we cannot changesex but can Live happily expressing ourselves outside of any stereotypes."

Hollywood jumped aboard the #Cancel train:

Tony award-wining Grey's Anatomy actress and LGBT activist Sara Ramirez also condemned Rowling's stance.

"Wholeheartedly disagree," she replied. "I stand with intersectional feminist humans, who recognize that trans women are real women, and against bigots like yourself. Bigotry masquerading as feminism is anything but. Your internalized distortions are helping me to continue dismantling mine. Thanks!"

Vox is, of course, on board as well, but I'd prefer not to link them.

I think California's S.B. 5 has already cancelled Vox.

Learn to code, weirdoes.

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posted by Ace of Spades at 04:08 PM

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