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December 16, 2019
The Morning Rant

"So with the release of Clint Eastwood's new movie
Richard Jewell, a film that portrays the media as amoral scum, sedentary spud Brian Stelter and other amoral media scum
got their panties all in a bunch over it. I guess not even amoral scum like being called out as amoral scum. And hey, didn't Stelter's own network have to pay Jewell a ton of money for their slanderous reporting on him? Why yes,
yes they did.
"Eastwood isn't just making stuff up here: CNN maligned Richard Jewell, he sued their asses, and they settled out of court bigly. This is not a he said/she said debate over how this was covered. The settlement is established fact.
"So maybe Stelter should just sit this one out.
"This is just the media circling the wagons. Just like when ABC spiked the Jeffrey Epstein story -- and then went after the whistleblower who ratted them out to Project Veritas. And CBS tried to help out by firing the (wrongly identified, as it turned out) whistleblower.
Actually, our national media isn't good enough to be called scum. They're lower than scum. They're grout. Scum looks down on them. They aspire to be scum. But for most of them, it's out of reach."
Meanwhile, How's The Impeachment Going?
Mike Bloomberg's Genius-Level Campaign Strategy:
Now *This* Is A Bluebell-Level Shiv:
Who Dis:
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For the 'Ettes:

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Friday's Celebs: Pam Dawber, whom I've never seen in anything other than Mork & Mindy, even though she's been in a bunch of other stuff, and Mark Harmon, who are, first and foremost, married. They were also in a movie together back in 2000, I'll Remember April.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Roast Beef:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:18 AM
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