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December 13, 2019
The Morning Rant

"With the release of the IG Report this week, I don't think it's helpful or constructive to say,
as Lindsey Graham says here, that "the system" failed.
"The problem with saying "the system" failed is the suggestion that it would work if we changed a few rules and built a better system. The problem is not "the system", the problem is the men that subverted it to go after the Bad Orange Man.
"You're not going to fix this by tweaking a few tweaks or adding more rules.
"If you build another system, bad men will subvert it, too. There's no thing as a foolproof system. Because systems are created and run by men, and when men are involved, rules will be twisted or ignored, perjury will be suborned, and bribes will be paid.
"After WWII ended, the Allied Powers implemented a "denazification" program to get rid the bad elements of the old regime. Nothing is going to get appreciably better in this country until we implement a similar "deprogressivization" program. Because nothing we set up, no matter how strong or bulletproof we make it, can ever be immune from progressives hollowing it out and wearing its skin. Case in point: the FBI. It took Obama only, what, 8 years, to take that institution and turn it into another progressive hive."
Trump Should Totally Do This Troll:
Meanwhile, In England, The Labour Party Is Not Taking Defeat Well:
Wow. Talk About Whistling Past the Graveyard:
Dumbness Level = 975 millikohns.
Who Dis:
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For the 'Ettes:
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Wednesday's Celebs: I hae never heard of Wanda Hendrix, but her photo came up when I was searching for someone else, so I marked her down for future use. I do that a lot. I also get suggestions from your wrong guesses, so don't be shy about throwing some spaghetti at the wall. Anyway, Wanda was a minor actress, never a big star, obviously, but she did appear in Song of Surrender (1949) with Claude Rains (not 'Raines'), whom most of you probably know from Casablanca or perhaps The Invisible Man.
Friday Shoe Pr0n:
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Chocolate Brownies:
(Click for bigger brownies)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:20 AM
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