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October 30, 2019
Kamala Harris Falls to 3% and Is In Danger of Not Making November Debate, While Tulsi Gabbard Needs One More Good Poll to Make It
Poll below.
Meanwhile, compare and contrast these statements:
Kamala Harris, Jaunary 8, 2019: America "absolutely" ready for woman person of color as president.
"Is this country, after what [President] Trump has unleashed and what we have seen, ready for the first woman of color president?" one of the show's hosts, Abby Huntsman, asked Harris.
"Absolutely," Harris said. "Listen -- I'm not saying that about myself, but I am saying that about the capacity of the American public."
Kamala Harris this week: America is not ready for a woman, especially a woman person of color, as president.
Hmm, what changed their minds, Kamala?
Maybe it's not them. Maybe it's just you.
Maybe people find you calculating, false, and viperine.
And slutty. You definitely come off as a Haughty (but Cheap) Slattern.
And that little girl was me.
Below, her awful, awful poll numbers.
Gator's bitches don't get numbers like that!
She's also hemorrhaging money and slashing staff.
Apparently she told Senator Hirono that she's "moving to f***ing Iowa," which I'm sure Iowans must be super-psyched to hear.
People who you're trying to trick into voting for you love having their place of residence denigrated.
And below -- a commenter linked this. He says it's all too real (TM)!
If you play Dark Side of the Moon while staring into that picture, the Elizabeth Warren heads start to swirl and then bite your fucking head off.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:13 PM
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