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October 29, 2019
Kanye West: I've Escaped the Democrat Plantation, "This is a free man talking"
I haven't listened, but people say his new Gospel album "Jesus Is King" is good.
Everyone has an opinion about Kanye West's opinions, and if there is one thing he is free of it’s self-censorship. "This is a free man talking," he stated emphatically in a recent interview about his latest album, "Jesus is King." His bravado is cut with a near compulsion to be earnest -- about everything.
He is able to say things that are as common-sense as they are taboo. He is no longer accepting that his skin color means he must walk in lockstep in support of Democratic politicians whose policies of abortion, moral relativism, dependency, and victimization have arguably decimated poor communities from the inside out.
For this he has felt the full force of attack from cultural overlords who cannot tolerate a black man questioning their sacred cows.
Meanwhile, pop tart Taylor Swift is going to take her brand of sexually-ambiguous Basic Bitch kiddie pop to propagandize for China:
Someone on Twitter -- I forget who -- posted a picture of Kanya interrupting Taylor Swift at some award show forever ago, and said something like, "If you told me that in ten years one of these people would release a Gospel album and talk about escaping the Democrat plantation, and the other would be advocating for day-of-the-birth abortion, I would have guessed the wrong people."
See this from Steven Greene at Instapundit for an example of more Democrat Plantation-Boundaries Patrolling.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:44 PM
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