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October 24, 2019
What? Judge Overrules (?) Jury, Grants Father of James Younger Joint Custodianship Over Child, Giving Him Some Degree of Say (Maybe?) In Boy's Medical Mutilation?
I don't know what kind of input or voice he'll have, but this is better -- or is it? -- than it was yesterday.
But the judge is simultaneously slapping a gag order on the father, forbidding him from speaking publicly about the case.
That means that she might have granted the father "equal" voice in whether or not the boy is castrated and further encouraged to "socially transition" into a girl boy who wears lipstick, false eyelashes, and other drag-queen accoutrements, but that she'll also side with the mother on every point of dispute, and the father now will be forbidden, upon pain of contempt and jail, to say so in public.
Joint custodianship means that father and mother are equal. But, as they disagree sharply and in a binary way (are we allowed to say this is a binary choice), the judge will actually cast the tie-breaking vote in all disputes.
Think she'll do what judges almost never do and side with a man who is trying to make one more Cis Straight White Man -- one more Future Oppressor -- in the world?
Because I don't. This looks like it's full speed ahead for James' mom to pursue her weird Muchausen-by-proxy/sexual Stage Mom/vengeance on her husband plan.
It's just that the Ruling Class has now decreed that the Commoners shan't be allowed to hear about it nor agitate about it.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:44 PM
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