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October 22, 2019
Revealed: Nuclear Blast in Russia Was Caused by Reactor Meltdown of Superweapon Named "Skyfall"
The nuclear-powered cruise missile had fallen into the sea during a flight test.
They left it sitting on the sea-floor for a year. Which... okay, whatever, it's Russia.
Only a year later did they attempt to recover it.
Their recovery efforts did not go as one might have hoped. The reactor exploded and has flooded the areas around it -- including big towns -- with radiation.
Russia covered up the deadly nuclear reactor explosion in August during the salvage at sea of one of Vladimir Putin's new superweapons, a nuclear-powered cruise missile called Skyfall, a senior State Department official disclosed.
The reactor exploded Aug. 8 off the coast of the northern Russian town of Nenoska, killing seven Russians on a barge in the White Sea as they were overseeing the recovery of a sunken Skyfall. The missile had been sitting on the seafloor for about year after a failed flight test, said State Department official Thomas G. DiNanno.
"The explosion was caused by the Skyfall experiencing a criticality accident, an uncontrolled nuclear reaction that released a burst of radiation while Russian personnel retrieved it from the seafloor," Mr. DiNanno said in an interview with The Washington Times.
It gets worse: Experts say that approximately $150,000 worth of FaceBook ads accidentally blew up the entire democracy of the United States as well

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:12 PM
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