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October 18, 2019
While We Await Tulsi Gabbard's Press Conference, Here's Another Conspiracy Theory -- "Without Evidence," as Jake Tapper's Chyrons Would Have It If This Were Trump --- That 10-Year-Olds Hacked Into Florida's Election System and Changed the Results
Even Politifact called this claim "mostly false" -- when Tulsi Gabbard claimed it over the summer.
But now that Hillary Clinton is claiming it, I bet Politifact will go ahead and upgrade this to "It's complicated."
A kid did hack into a system, but 1, it was just a replica website, and 2, it had nothing to do with vote recording or vote counting, but in displaying the results as they came in.
It was a replica website -- not sure why there's a replica, but sometimes designers make dummy websites that to play with the coding without affecting the real website.
And because it was only a replica, no one bothered to put security on it because who cares? It's just a sandbox for web designers to play around with. It would never go "live" and no one would ever see it besides the designers and the people who have to give a final approval for the design.
This has been claimed and refuted several times, but this bloated, hugely fat old drunk sow is still living in Sydney Blumenthal's dream-webs and spinning them out to her media pals.
This is the sensible centrist the True Cons are still angry at us for not joining them in supporting.
Hillary supporter Robert Zimmerman on FoxNEws doubles down: He's basically arguing that yes, anyone who disagrees with Hillary Clinton is either a Russian Asset or so close to being one that it causes no harm to go ahead and claim they are.
I think the Collusion Delusion just jumped the shark so spectacularly that even Low Information Voters are starting to understand that these people now accuse others of being a RUSSIAN ASSET as readily as they accuse them of being RACIST.
And they understand that this cudgel is just used for political posturing, and that there's usually nothing to evidence the charge.
CBS actually bothers to cover this, noting that it's an
Not really. It's just an ordinary opening gambit for the left these days.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:11 PM
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