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NeverTrump Hero-Paper-Pusher Evan McMullin on Hillary Clinton's Insane Claim That Everyone Who Disagrees With Her Is a RUSSIAN Asset: #ImWithHer »
October 21, 2019
The Morning Rant

"We all know that progressivism is an insidious evil, but I'm wondering if only part of it is. That is, one part is evil, and the other merely stupid.
"Kind of like our main political parties.
"Progressivism has a lot of stupid ideas, mostly involving giving away free sh*: free education, free medical care, and now federally-subsidized tampons, so you younger 'ettes can now ride the cotton pony in style. Of course none of this stuff is actually "free", somebody has to pay for it, which is one of the reasons why it's stupid.
"But promising free sh*t isn't necessarily evil. What's evil is when you also tell them: (a) you have a right to it, and (b) if you don't have it, it's because someone is deliberately keeping you from having it. Because once you start going down that path, you create all sorts of bitterness and anger in yourself to people you don't even know who do who-knows-what to keep you from getting what you believe is rightfully yours and you get into the habit, the very bad habit, of blaming your troubles on others.
"And you'll always have a ready excuse for your own laziness or incompetence and the laziness and incompetence of like-minded friends.
"This is not really healthy.
"Larry Elder recently tweeted: 'Half the country thinks there is a free lunch—and that the other half is stopping them from eating it.' Which, in a nutshell, is why one half of the country trying to tear the other half apart.
"And in other words, Mitt Romney is apparently skulking around Twitter under the alias 'Pierre Delecto'. What a cuck."
Has Everyone Lost Their D*mn Mind?
Our Betters:
At first I thought that maybe this was a parody account, or she was being ironic, or something like that. I've been fooled by seemingly outrageous tweets before, and I'm not good at picking up on deadpan humor. But this appears to be serious (also, her account appears to be suspended, which is why we're seeing just the text).
Progressives Ruin Everything:
Has Everyone Lost Their D*mn Mind? (Part 2)
Who Dis:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5Photo 6
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Barbecued Chicken & Smoked Sausage:
(click for even bigger dinner)
Friday's celebs: Jean Simmons and Michael Rennie, who appeared together in The Robe (1953), Caesar and Cleopatra (1945), and the little-known Trio (1950). (h/t TheQuietMan for the early identification of the celebs and the connection.)
Thank you to all you 'rons and 'ettes for sending me suggestions. Just so everybody knows, I am always open for celebrity 'who dis', food pr0n and shoe pr0n suggestions. You can e-mail suggestions to me at my AoSHQ nic at yahoo.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:20 AM
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