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October 16, 2019
House Democrats Walk Out of Meeting With Trump, Complaining That He Was "Insulting" Towards Granny Rictus McBotoxImplants (Nancy Pelosi)
Oh that's so weird, the House Democrats are always so gracious towards Trump.
The meeting quickly devolved into a series of contentious exchanges centering on the president's decision earlier this month to pull troops from Syria, which paved the way for the Turkish invasion. The White House called the meeting to discuss the president’s decision and the deescalating situation on the ground. Ahead of the meeting, the House overwhelmingly voted in favor of a resolution rebuking Trump’s decision to pull troops out in a 354-60 vote.
"I think that vote, the size of the vote -- more than 2 to 1 of the Republicans voted to oppose what the president did -- it probably got to the president, because he was shaken up by it," Pelosi said. "That's why we couldn't continue in the meeting because he was just not relating to the reality of it."
At one point during the meeting, Schumer brought up former Defense Secretary James Mattis, who told NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday that Trump's decision to pull troops from Syria could lead to ISIS's resurgence.
According to multiple aides, Trump called Mattis, "the world's most overrated general."
"You know why?," Trump said, according to one aide. "He wasn't tough enough. I captured ISIS. Mattis said it would take two years. I captured them in one month."
In another heated encounter, Pelosi challenged Trump on Russia's involvement in Syria, saying "All roads with you lead to Putin."
The Democratic leaders said that the moment that prompted them to abruptly leave was when Trump called Pelosi "a third-rate politician" to her face.
According to the senior Democratic aide, Hoyer stated, "This is not useful."
So they brought up their pet "RUSSIAN MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE" conspiracy theory again -- which has been debunked by an attempted coup dressed up as a special counsel investigation -- yet again, and Trump called this mentally-fading decrepit old whore a "third-rate politician."
How terrible.
Trump then trolled them on Twitter.
Trump added a new troll:
posted by Ace of Spades at
07:23 PM
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