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October 18, 2019
The Morning Rant

"Ever wonder if you may be a cuck? Here are some warning signs:
"If you call yourself 'conservative' but sort of wink your eye when you say it...you may be a cuck.
"If you've ever written a think piece that starts out 'The conservative case for...', you may be a cuck.
"If you think Bill Kristol is a great thinker...you may be a cuck.
"If your name is Mitt Romney...you may be a cuck.
"If the only enemies you see are on your right...you may be a cuck.
"If you're in favor of open borders, but live in a gated community...you may be a cuck.
"If your answer to heading-to-socialism-at-90-mph is heading-to-socialism-at-40-mph...you may be a cuck.
"If you think that if you play nice, they won't eat you...you may be a cuck.
"If you dislike social issues conservatives more than you do the mainstream media...you may be a cuck.
"If you always say, "we must pick our battles" but never see any battles good enough to pick...you may be a cuck.
"If the only time anyone hears your voice is when you're attacking other conservatives...you may be a cuck.
"If you write for the New York Times...you may be a cuck.
"If you're more appalled by Trump's mean tweets than by big tech's efforts to de-platform conservatives...you may be a cuck.
"If you're comfortable with being in a permanent minority as long as you keep getting paid...you may be a cuck.
"If you've ever hit up a left-wing billionaire for money to start a 'conservative' newsletter...you may be a cuck.
"If you've ever delivered a policy speech from the lido deck...you may be a cuck.
"If you think your apology means they forgive you...you may be a cuck.
"If you think things will go back to the way they were after Trump is gone...you may be a cuck.
"Finally, if your highest ambition in life is to lose nobly...you may be a cuck."
(h/t Jeff Foxworthy)
Meanwhile, At the Democratic Debate:
"Toxic fan culture."
Who Dis:
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For the 'Ettes:

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Wednesday's celebs: Somehow, I had it in what is left of my mind that Signourney Weaver is the daughter of actor Fritz Weaver, and I thought it would be fun to do a father/daughter 'who dis' thing using them. So after I had gathered some Fritz photos, I thought, you know, I'd better check to verify that my connection is correct. Naturally, I found out it's not, and gave thanks that I saved myself from a boneheaded mistake. But I did find out that Ms. Weaver's mother is Elizabeth Inglis, who was an up and coming British actress in the 1940s. Shortly after WWII, she married TV producer Sylvester Weaver (Your Show of Shows) and cut short her acting career to be a full-time mom. Probably mentored daughter Sigourney real good, I'll bet. And, of course, the hunk is Michael Biehn, who battled extra-terrestrial monsters with Mrs. Weaver's daughter in Aliens. Inglis also had an uncredited part in the extended edition of Aliens as Ripley's all-grown-up-and-now-deceased daughter.
Friday Shoe Pr0n:

(click for bigger shoes)
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Lemon Meringue Pie:
Thank you to all you 'rons and 'ettes for sending me suggestions. Just so everybody knows, I am always open for celebrity 'who dis', food pr0n and shoe pr0n suggestions. You can e-mail suggestions to me at my AoSHQ nic at yahoo.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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