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October 08, 2019
Made you look, suckers!
That's a tweet from 2015, which is apparently going around and catching people.
I did want to talk about the rumors that Hillary Clinton will run, but there's not much to say about that -- there are rumors that she will run. I wish I could find a new article adding to that, but I can't.
Here's another rumor -- just a rumor.
Rumor has it that the media (Canadian, British) are sitting on a story that Canada's top facial darkening-makeup model Justin Trudeau was fired from a school he was teaching at for sleeping with a 17 year old.
True? Not true? I have no idea.
But if I were a betting man -- I'd say it's true.
It's just the sense I get. I believe that men who adopt the fashions and likes of young girls -- adopting the politics of woke 17 year old girls, for example, when you're middle-aged -- do so because it's a type of sexual adornment.
You make yourself attractive to the sort of people you want to have sex with.
If an adult man starts chatting with your daughter about a hot new boyband you've never heard of -- keep your daughter away from that man. There is no reason for that man to know about this boyband, except to ingratiate himself to young girls.
(Well-- if he himself has daughters, okay, that's another reason he'd know about the boyband. But unless there's some reason to explain his interest -- be wary.)
Justin Trudeau is very keen on presenting himself as the sort of "man" a 17 year old girl should fancy.
He just strikes me as the sort of guy with Short-Eyes.
Update to the Last Post: Sean David just linked this Jake Tapper tweet "reporting" that the only evidence of partisan bias was that the fake "whistleblower" is a registered Democrat.
He points something out: Jake Tapper, the World's Most Incorruptible and Knowledgeable Reporter, really should have known that there was more than one piece of evidence of partisan bias.
Because the word "indicia" is itself plural. It's always plural. It means "signs or distinctive markings." Always plural.
There is no such thing as a "single indicia," Jakey.
By the way, I can't find any English singular version of indicia. However, in French, the singular term for "clue" is indice.
Update: Flounder says the singular is indicium.
But no one ever says that, outside of jargon. Apparently it's used (sometimes) to refer to a postal marking.
Update to the Justin Trudeau story: People are claiming that Justin Trudeau has gotten a court injunction barring the Toronto Sun and the Globe and Mail from publishing his underage #MeToo story.
See the tweets here.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:11 PM
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