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October 07, 2019
Trump-Supporting Art Gallery Owner Brutally Beaten By Drunken Anti-Trump Youths
Media silence.
The same media that cries and screams about abuse when someone criticizes them simultaneously covers up for their leftist paramilitary's constant assaults on citizens.
A President Trump fan who says he was brutally beaten for wearing a MAGA hat says a hip downtown art pop-up got his underage attackers drunk before the assault, according to a new lawsuit.
Jahangir Turan, 42, says he was left with "brutal injuries" in the July attack by a "dangerous, unruly and belligerent group" that attended an "ABC Angels Club pop-up" event on Canal Street.
The unknown louts insulted him for wearing his red "Make America Great Again" hat, with one knocking it off his head and at least two smashing Turan's "head and face into the metal scaffolding," fracturing his eye socket, according to a Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit filed Friday against photographer and fashionista Anna Bloda -- one of the event's organizers -- as well as building owners United American Land and the gallery that hosted the event, Wallplay.
I wonder if the media would embargo a story about media people being beaten in the street. I wonder if they'd cover that up.
Meanwhile, an Antifa scum has pled guilty to attacking a citizen at a Mike Cernovich rally in Manhattan in 2018.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:50 PM
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