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October 04, 2019
lolgf: New York Times Anti-Kavanaugh Book an "Epic Bomb," Selling Just Over 3000 Copies
Deb Heine at AmGreateness:
controversial book detailing allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has suffered such terrible book sales, it is being described by industry insiders as "one of the most epic bombs in political publishing over the past decade."
Released last month, The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation by New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly was expected to sell at least 10,000-12,000 in the first two weeks, according to the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard.
But even with the New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media's help promoting the book, it has only sold about a third of that in the first two weeks.
From Beddard:
A publishing source provided the latest BookScan numbers, which can account for about 80% of sales. That number is 3,120. "If you add in ebooks — they may have sold a total of 4,000. That's one of the most epic bombs in political publishing over the past decade," said the source.
The book's marketing push started to falter when Mollie Hemingway noticed the pair had "forgotten" to note in the excerpt unacknowledged advertisement prepared for and published by the Times that the alleged victim of an alleged convoluted multi-party penis-pushing incident had no memory of any such incident, and the supposed primary source for this claim -- a Clinton lawyer! -- himself refused to speak to Pogrebin and Kelly.
Whoops! Just an error! It was the editors' fault, you know.
Meanwhile, Hemingway and Severino's book has sold 20 times the Times gals' book, and continues to be entirely embargoed by the media.
But no bias here.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:06 PM
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