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September 27, 2019
No Big Deal, But Ukraine Wasn't Even Aware Their Aid Was Being Delayed/Reviewed Until More Than a Month After Trump Supposedly Threatened to Withhold Aid
Strange kind of threat, where you don't even threaten someone, and they don't even find out there's anything to feel threatened about for a month after the "threat."
You may wonder how the TruCon Enemies of Conspiracy Theories and Fake News are dealing with this fact. Simple, really: they're dealing with it with conspiracy theories and fake news.
AllahPundit needs there to be secret back-channel threats telling the Ukraine that their aid is being delayed, so he just invents that, and says "See? There. I have proven it through invented premises."
This is the same guy who routinely denigrates and insults Christians for their alleged "magical thinking." "I want it to be true, so it's true," he believes of his Christian readers.
And yet... well, if Allah needs an invented premise to be true, then alakazam! It's true.
Meanwhile, Katie Tur rejects NYT reporter Ken Vogel's reporting as "Russian propaganda," because she doesn't like the reporting.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:48 PM
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