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September 20, 2019
NPC Critics Hail "Rambo: Last Blood" as a Triumphant Call for a Border Wall
Well, I mean, they're not hailing it so much as resorting to their typical tactic of "reviewing a movie" according to what impact it will have on elections.
In the film, Rambo goes up against a Mexican cartel involved in both drug trafficking and human trafficking -- which is a weird term. He's up against men who enslave underage girls into forced prostitution.
These are real things that happen in the real world.
But leftists in Hollywood insist these are fictions, just as they shriek that MS-13 is a fantasy concocted by Trump.
The new film's signature sin, though, is Trump-style "racism."
The official Variety review calls the film a "cruel and ugly showcase of xenophobic carnage."
"Screenwriters Matthew Cirulnick and Stallone adopt the racist view of Mexicans as murderers, drug dealers and rapists, devoid of cultural context or exceptions, beyond the "independent journalist" (Paz Vega) keeping tabs on their whereabouts."
It's a shame "Last Blood" concocted vicious Mexican cartels out of thin air of the purposes of this movie.
Oh, wait.
This critic also has the sads that these evil cartel types, who force innocents into sex trafficking, get their comeuppance.
Yes, but they deserve it, one might argue. This is the reductive one-man-against-the-world reasoning by which Rambo has always operated, and I don't buy it.
Of course, vigilantes are often problematic to film critics, especially if they happen to be both white and male.
Suddenly, the infamous wall along the U.S.-Mexico border seems inadequate -- less in containing the cartels than in protecting them from Rambo’s brand of vigilante justice.
A Trump reference in a film review? Who saw that coming?
I unsubbed from Grace Randolf yesterday over this bullshit. I just got sick of each and every one of her movie reviews being one third (or more) about "diversity issues" and how the movie "positively or negatively portrayed the LGBT community."
You're supposed to be reviewing movies, not the GOP. Enough. Do your actual jobs, NPCs.
Or Learn to Code.
This guy, a lifelong fan of the Rambo series, has a review I trust. He says the movie is definitely not the best in the series -- that honor belongs to either the first First Blood or the 2008 reboot Rambo -- but it's good.
His one major criticism is about pacing and tone. The movie is determined to present a depressive, "grounded" kind of feel, and imitates the tone and pacing of Unforgiven and Logan to accomplish this. He thinks the movie feels longer than it is.
But, that aside, he says it's very good.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:07 PM
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