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September 11, 2019
Mike Flynn's Lawyer Files Motion Suggesting that Josef Misfud -- Perjuriously Represented by the FBI as a Russian Operative as Part of Their Felonious Russian Conspiracy Fraud -- Was Actually Working as a Spy for the FBI Since 2015
More: Sydney Powell says Rod Rosenstein authorized Mueller to go after Michael Flynn's son. Which was the pressure that caused Mike Flynn to plead guilty.
"We know that Mr. Mueller got a letter from Mr. Rosenstein that allowed him to target Michael Flynn Jr., and there was significant pressure to enter a guilty plea while they were hiding all the evidence that showed he had not been an agent of Russia, that there were no Logan Act violations," Powell told Hannity.
Hannity asked Powell about the possibility that Flynn took a plea deal in order to protect his son from being prosecuted. Powell did not confirm Hannity's scenario, but suggested it was possible.
"When you put together the fact that Mr. Mueller got the letter authorizing him to target Michael Flynn Jr., and they had seized Michael Flynn Jr.'s computers and electronic devices and those things, it's not too hard to imagine that that might have happened," she said.
The Department of Just-Us. Elliot Ness to outsiders, a soft ball of kitten fur to insiders and politically powerful Democrats.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:18 PM
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