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September 02, 2019
The Morning Rant

"So one of the outrages
du jour last week was Netflix airing a show entitled 'Sticks and Stones', which is basically comedian Dave Chappelle doing stand-up comedy for an hour. The progressive left are all squealing about it like stuck pigs because Chappelle poked fun groups the left considers sacrosanct, namely trannies.
"In the past, I've never particularly cared one way or the other about Chappelle, but I'm going to watch this show because progressives are throwing a shrieking tantrum about it about it. To make it clear, progressive whining directly caused me to download the Chappelle special to watch. So if their intent was to reduce the size of Chappelle's audience, it didn't work.
"Also, I'm old enough to remember when progressives cheered on "edgy" comedians like Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, and others who transgressed boundaries, subverted dominant narratives, made fun of emperors with no clothes, thumbed their noses at the establishment and pointed out the hypocrisy of prevailing social conventions. In other words, kind of like what Dave Chappelle is doing in his Netflix special.
"Yeah, progressives used to like that sort of thing. Not any more, though. These days, they demand rigid conformity, zero deviation, and absolute adherence to a puritanical social code, with harsh punishments for anyone who does not tow the line. It's like they're forcing us into a stifling, mirror-universe 1950s America -- only the 1950s were never quite this sanctimonious or oppressive."
This Week, On No Self-Awareness Theatre:
I Want This To Be True:
The Comments On This Thread Are Lit Like A Christmas Tree:
Who Dis:

And MP
4 will no doubt enjoy her looking delightfully retro in
this photo.
For the 'Ettes:
Friday's celebs: Donna Reed and Carl Betz as husband and wife on The Donna Reed Show.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Three-Cheese Jumbo Pasta Shells: 
(Click for bigger shells)Recipe here.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:18 AM
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