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August 22, 2019
Mid-Morning Art Thread
Sea Boots
Andrew Wyeth
Commenter Bandersnatch has been around these parts ever since I inherited this slot from rdbrewer. He is moving on to more mature and intelligent pastures (middle school teacher), so we won't have him to kick us around quite as regularly for our low-brow tastes.
Bandersnatch graciously pointed me in Andrew Wyeth's direction, and for that I am grateful. He is one of the giants of 20th century American art, yet I knew very little of his work. The piece above is in recognition of the interesting and serious and lighthearted comments Bandersnatch has graced us with for all these years.
[What really impresses is his rational analysis of the art; I find that kind of cogitation vanishingly rare in Red Sox fans. Perhaps one of his parents was normal...]
Bonus Wyeth below the fold.
Andrew Wyeth