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August 06, 2019
Joaquin Castro, Brother of Democrat Candidate and Abortions-for-Men Democrat Candidate Julian Castro, Doxxes Trump Donors
He does this after antifa shows up at Mitch McConnell's house threatening to stab him in the heart.
And now he unleashes his antifa allies against Republican donors.
Domestic terrorists and assassins need a target list and a moral justification/social blessing; Joaquin Castro has provided both. Now all that is needed is a desire to inflict violence, something that's easily found in the Democrat Antifa party.
A lone gunman says nothing much about society.
But when the alleged "respectable" institutions of the media and the Democrat Antifa party start actively encouraging violence, that says a great deal about society.
And what it says is: Society is effectively over. There is no longer any social compact.
Joachin Castro is declaring actual war on law-abiding citizens, and the media and Democrat Antifa Party will make excuses for him.
And if the Democrat Antifa Party winds up killing someone on the hit list, they'll simply refuse to report it, and to the extent they have to report it, they'll... blame Trump for rising tensions.
But don't worry, I'm sure the media -- which constantly shrieks about "encouraging violence against the media" when people chant "CNN sucks" at Jim Acosta -- will take this dangerous incitement with the seriousness it deserves.
I'm sure they won't downplay it and frame it as a "Republicans pounce" story.
"Demonstrate." "Protesters."

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:26 PM
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