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July 30, 2019
Conspiracy TV Carnival Barker Jeff Zucker: Trump has damaged perceptions of CNN with Republicans
At a recent Trump rally in Greenville, N.C., a teenage rock band played its rendition of a frequent rally slogan, "CNN Sucks." (Selected lyrics included: "Jeff Zeleney [sic], you whine like a girl/Jake Tapper, you make me wanna hurl.")
"I think Trump has hurt our perception among Republicans to some degree," Zucker said. "I think it's incredibly unfortunate. You ca'’t have the most powerful man in the world with his megaphone slamming the network every day and not have it have an effect."
That's right, Jeff. We had no objections to CNN's shoddy conspiracy-maddened ultra-biased "reportage." We're just dupes who think whatever the Bad Orange Man tells us to think.
BTW, I was jonesing for a Little Brian Stelter hit. I didn't find anything new but this was new to me.
Oh, and Mediaite posted a clip of spherical soyboy Kevin D. Williamson attempting to peddle his book on Morning Joe. Mediaite actually bleeped out the title of the book when it was spoken and pixelated out the title when it was shown on screen.
Video at the link. Screenshot here:
Tommy Christopher posted the story. No word on whether or not he's responsible for the video censorship.
It should be noted that Tommy Christoper's "news" article itself refuses to name the book.
I've got no rooting interest here, except for injuries, and hardening of the arterial walls.
Oh, and the Washington Post -- which was actually, if you remember, the first major news organization to go #FullyWoke, with its SJW/radfem/BLM verticals like "She the People" and "Post Everything" -- continues to push an absurdly SJW line:

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:10 PM
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