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July 31, 2019

The Morning Rant

talking ape.jpg

"If anything is obvious to me from these Democrat debates, where we get to see not one, not two, but 20 Democrats who think they should be president making their pitch to the American people on a national stage, it's that progressivism is a death cult. I'm not exaggerating for effect. At the end of every progressive policy or goal, there is death, death, and more death. Progressivism has come so that we may have death, and that more abundantly. I think it's demonic, but I think even a non-religious person can see that the way of the Left always ends in death. Always. It's the logical conclusion of every single progressive ideal.

"And, of course, they want us dead. Which is why they hate us in general, and Donald Trump in particular. Because we're standing in the way of their 'progress.' And not only is Trump standing in their way, he's mooning them, too.

"They think Trump is unhinged, but as far as I'm concerned, he isn't unhinged enough. His cannon is insufficiently loose. What we really need is a drunken ape in the White House armed with an aluminum baseball bat, a bullhorn and a flamethrower. That's the only solution at this point. But Trump is as close as we're going to get, so he'll have to do. For now. Progressives are too blind to realize that it really is in their best interest to make their peace with Trump (and by extension, us), because if they succeed in getting rid of him and stifling the sentiments of an unwilling populace, the next guy they're going to get is going to be even worse."

(Thanks to grammie winger and zombie whose posted comments I used stole to provide the content to today's rant.)

The Deep Thoughts of Marianne Williamson:

mw - avatar 01.jpg

mw - silence wonk.jpg

Caption This:

mw - caption this 01.jpg

If the progressives ever succeeded in destroying the country, I think Hungary is the country I would flee to.

Nelson Muntz: "Hah-haaaah!"

Vintage Beauty:

who dis 20190731a.jpg

For the 'Ettes:

who dis 20190731b.jpg
Here's another good photo.

(There's no connection between today's celebs I can think of, except that both have passed)

Monday's Celebrities: From Firefly, the former (refugee?) Browncoat Gina Torres and a man who can really rock a fedora, Dennis Haysbert. They appeared briefly together on 24, back in 2004. Holy crap, that's 15(!) years ago.

AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact FenelonSpoke, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at

fenelon direction 18 circle 'a' gmail dot com

(All one word, no spaces)

If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to her.

Requests for continued prayer:

For healing from cancer:

Slapweasel (also for an organ donor) and strength in caring for elderly parents with have memory and other issues, Cheribee, also Tami’s daughter, Circa’s brother, VNRedLeg, Scott M., Fox 2!’s friend, Mary Beth for healing from bladder cancer, Mother of a co-worker of Josephistan , Rickl-healing from cancer-he has an additional lesion and numbness in back area, Suzanne’s friend Kevin-told that he has six months to live-is praying for a miracle. Bete in reflection needs healing from cancer

Other continuing health issues and requested prayers for healing: Fixeupperupper’s mothers-kidney function. Michelle’s son- continued recovery from car accident.. Sock-rat-eeze, for things to go smoothly so that he can have reversal of colostomy. USNTakin and wife-he asked particularly that she have relief from pain, but strength and relief from pain for both of them

For healing for Josephistan’s mom who has difficulty with daily tasks and is anxious and withdrawn. Also strength for him caring for his mom as he is alone in doing this. Help in finding a caregiver. He also needs job help.

Hrothgar’s friend, a hospice counselor who needs healing after being affected by fumes from muriatic acid

Healing for Blaster’s son who has issues with depression.

Updates and new requests:

6/29 Hrothgar’s SIL has an elderly beloved pastor of a tiny but vibrant church of older folks. “Sister Charlotte” needs healing of heart issues so that she can return to being that congregations shepherdess

6/29-LadyL asks for prayers for two friends of her daughter: Laura, in her early 30’s was given a prognosis of 3 years to live after a recurrence of metastatic breast cancer. Please storm heaven for a miracle of complete healing. Also, Allison, another of her daughter’s friends, had a stroke two-weeks after the birth of her first child. She is still unable to walk after 6 months. Doubtful she will be able to teach again. Pray that she be fully healed and to enjoy life and her family.

7/1 Hrothgar’s SIL Elizabeth has diabetic related neuropathy. Needs healing

7/3-Maddog’s PSA blood test says PSA has low which indicates no larger scale cancer present, but since cancer spread outside body will be undergoing hormone therapy soon and radiation after that.

7/3-Poster ET going through very difficult time. Needs rough places made smooth.

7/3 For Leslie-for spiritual strength and comfort after death of daughter who died from flu-one year ago February

7/8-Beltway Elite asked for prayers for their mother who had stroke at end of June, leaving her paralyzed on right side. Thankfully she remembers herself and details but faces lengthy period of recovery and physical therapy. Prayers for quick recuperation, management of other health conditions and for Beltway Elite’s sister to act with compassion.

7/13-Winston, a dreg of asked for prayers for his dear friend Dee, who fell and broke right arm near shoulder while on a road trip. Four months earlier had broken wrist, 2nd time cancer survivor. Prayers for healing.

7/13-Empire1 has asked for prayers for her husband, Mr. Empire, who has diverticulitis.

7/13-tBodie prayers for oldest child who is going through a hard time with depression but has stabilized somewhat.

7/16-Deep State in Deep Sh**-Asked for prayer for friend, Tiffany, in 2nd fight with cancer, not as bad as first time but still needs prayers for healing

7/16-OldDoginMO’s wife- out of hospital. Oncologist wants her to skip two chemo treatments and let her heal from wound-probably as result of chemo. Prayers for complete healing

7/16-Grammie’s daughter is supposed to go on a mission trip to Swaziland in August to work with children and( women?) Who had been in sex trafficking and daughter has to travel through South Africa-Prayers for her safety and of all the people travelling with her,

7/17-Fenelon asks for prayers for Ray, who had chemo and a bone marrow transplant for blood cancer. Needs healing.

7/19-Rickl MRI of shoulder blade showed additional lesion. Has numbness in back and buttocks. May have another tumor. Was starting chemo again July 23. Prayers for healing.

7/19-Prayers for continued healing for Anna Puma’s dad. Had heart attack and stent was put in

7/19-Juddgement’s BIL has severe depression was walking on road in daze, but after some conversation with his BIL is taking his meds without prompting and is doing better. Continued prayers for his recovery and strength for family in dealing with his situation are appreciated.

7/19-Prayers for healing and strengthening for Kindltot’s dad in short term nursing home for rehab, and for safety for Kindltot as they travel back and forth to see their dad

7/19-For Pooky’s girl and her husband for rough places made smooth- for healing and for dealing with insurance issues as no two plans cover same things

7/21 -Duke’ Lowell’s son in U.S. Merchant Marine head to Suez canal and East Coast of Africa, Prayers for he and his shipmates.

7/23-Dave, having surgery having 3rd disk in neck repaired.

7/23-Mr. Aspirin Factory ‘s childhood friend killed in a freak accident. Leaves behind wife and teenage daughters. Prayers for grieving family and friends.

7/24-Redc14c - dad in hospice, prayers for dad, mom, and rest of family and friends.

7/24-Jane D’oh’s son has swollen knee and torn meniscus. Going to see an orthopedic doctor. Needs treatment and complete healing.

7/24-Vic’s brother had a heart attack. Stent put in. Needs healing.

7/25-Cookie, friend of Artisanal’ette, retired Air Force colonel has cancer, told she has 3 months to live. For complete healing. She is also caring for a daughter, a victim of violent rape, afraid to leave home.

7/29-Sturmtoddler had kidney surgery July 23. He is at home convalescing. Surgery was textbook. Just waiting for biopsy on removed cyst. Doctor says mass was removed. Prayers for complete healing.

7/29-BifBewalski, going in for lower back surgery August 1. Getting an artificial disc between S1 and LF. Prayers for a successful procedure and healing.

7/30-Hadrian IV – wife having full knee replacement August 2. Prayers for uneventful surgery and quick recovery.

7/30-NaCly Dog’s, wife has new mobility issues. Prayers for healing.

Job needs:

Emperor County Boy asked for prayers for wisdom and guidance and direction in his job search and in other areas.

Donna&&&& needs FT job in areas of expertise

PDX Republican needs sedentary PT job.

Fenelon’s Spouse is looking for FT job

Hadrian IV is looking for new job.

Insomniac has been in touch with a company about receiving some work in his field. Please continue to pray for him in this endeavor that this does indeed work out for him.

Wednesdays are days in which mothers in the horde and anyone else says special prayers for children of horde members. Please include the grandchildren as well.

Please note; Prayer requests are generally removed after five weeks or so unless I receive an update. This in NOT because we don’t care; It’s simply because of lack of space. Updates as well as thanks for answered prayer and new prayer requests are always welcomed.

Please feel free to copy requests which you see on the board and send them to me. I am unable to be on the board all the time, even though it seems like I am, and so if people don’t tell me about prayer requests I may have no way of knowing. Thx and God bless!

FenelonDirection18 at gmail dot com

Please remember the Prayer of St. Francis:

Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Olive Garden Breadsticks:

olive garden breadsticks 01.jpg
(click for bigger breadsticks)

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posted by OregonMuse at 11:14 AM

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