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July 19, 2019
Oh, My: Capital Police Strongly Imply That, Despite the Squad's Claims That They Are the Subjects of Intolerable Death Threats, They're Not Receiving More Threats Than Many Others
Via Karen Townsend at Hot Air (yeah I know but she's okay), it seems as though The Squad might be employing the crybully tactic of "damselling" made popular by feminist Anita Sarkesian but then perfected by femmy David French.
The threat assessment regarding members of the squad, who have recently clashed with President Trump, remains low compared to some other lawmakers.
One source told Fox News that even though the four had been in the news a great deal, they were still low-profile, freshman members.
Some lawmakers' significant others are more worried about safety than the lawmakers themselves.
There is concern in the security ranks that if the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) responds to the "noise" surrounding the squad, it may actually miss more bona fide threats against other lawmakers.
"Damselling" is internet slang for being a constant attention whore and drama cyclone and always claiming you're under attack, usually to gain sympathy, White Knights, and even money (especially through Patreon donations) and jobs (from leftwing media looking for leftwing "victims" of the right).

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:07 PM
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