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July 16, 2019
Mark Sanford, Who Abandoned His State to Dally with His Mistress in Argentina, Ponders Running Against Trump in the GOP Primary
The Valparaiso Vagabundo, the Buenos Aires Aranador, the Pimp of the Pampas, is a real attractive candidate for the Morality Police who pretend to be Republicans, such as Noted Marriage Advocate Charlie Sykes.
Former South Carolina congressman Mark Sanford is considering launching a bid for president just months after leaving office following President Trump urging Republican voters in the Palmetto State to reject his renomination.
Speaking to The Post and Courier newspaper, Sanford said that he is taking the next month to decide whether or not he’ll mount a challenge to Trump's candidacy in the 2020 presidential election, where he would run on a platform focusing on curtailing the national debt and government spending.
"Sometimes in life you've got to say what you've got to say, whether there's an audience or not for that message," Sanford said.
Sanford is set to make his announcement from an undisclosed location, possibly on an Appalachian trail.
Update: Dang, Valparaiso is in Chile, not Argentina. Nuts! I spent five minutes looking for a v-word to match it with!
"Pimp of the Pampas" courtesy of eleven.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:26 PM
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