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July 15, 2019
Keeping Up With the Cucks
For the first tweet, note that Jane Coasten is the "reporter" on the GOP and the right for the very leftwing Vox, which recently ran articles suggesting that Andy Ngo deserved his beating by antifa, and that antifa should arm themselves with guns for the coming revolution.
The Bulwark's thrice-married Charlie Sykes wants to probe her mindthoughts and soulpatterns about the right.
And note that after a weekend in which pro-illegal-alien "protesters" took down the American flag and replaced it with the Mexican one...
...and an antifa-affiliated terrorist attacked an ICE facility with molotov cocktails and a rifle...
The 69-year-old armed man killed by Washington state police as he attacked a local Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center Saturday sent a manifesto to friends the day before the assault in which he wrote "I am Antifa," and was being lionized by members of the leftwing group as a "martyr."
The group Seattle Antifascist Action described assailant Willem Van Spronsen a "good friend and comrade" who "took a stand against the fascist detention center in Tacoma" and "became a martyr who gave his life to the struggle against fascism."
The safe-for-MSNBC liberals who infest "conservative" media and hold all the high positions and editorships are laser-focused on giving ample coverage to all the important news:

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:21 PM
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