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July 10, 2019
Vanity Fair: Trump Knew Epstein Had Incriminating Pictures of Bill Clinton on Pedo Island
lol, nice try, media.
Another own-goal while trying to get Orange Man Bad.
Sam Nunberg told Vanity Fair:
"Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk. He said not to tell anyone, but that [NE publisher David] Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse."
As PJ Media points out, what we're not hearing about is, "There is incriminating information linking Trump to Pedo Island," despite the obvious thirst of leftwingers and NeverTrumpers (but I repeat myself) to replace Conspiracy Theory 1 with new sand shiny Conspiracy Theory 2.
Meanwhile: have the NeverTrumpers finally decided if they never believed Conspiracy Theory 1 or if they did believe it and they were right to believe it? They seem to shift their position with every Glenn Simpson linked leak.
For example, here's Noted Conservative AllahPundit getting horny for the thousandth time over Conspiracy Theory 1:
Yes, dude. "Whoa" indeed.
By the way: Although it appears that AllahPundit has stopped his biweekly hardcore agitation for atheism on Hot Air -- whether he was told to knock it off, or if he decided that maybe he ought to stop, as he was already bating actual conservatives on every other issue -- on Twitter, he lets his freak-flag fly and joins David French in attempting to shame the group he truly hates, religious Christians:
I encourage people to read AllahPundit's twitter feed -- if you think he's bad at Hot Air, oh boy, you can see from his Twitter feed that he's actually churching it up at his actual job.
On Twitter, it's nothing but hatred and conspiracy theories.
He retweeted this, for example. Apparently the terrorist-sympathizing anti-Semite and possible citizenship-defrauder Ilhan Omar is an example of our immigration policies working correctly, and it's racist to say otherwise:
I don't know if I buy this "rule," but it's generally claimed that you can't be accused of animus against a group you belong to. Thus, David French isn't accused (usually) of being anti-Christian just because he's always trying to shame Christians, and Jews are generally given a partial pass no matter how rough their anti-Jewish rhetoric.
But AllahPundit is an atheist whose antagonism, bordering on loathing, for Christians is well-known and long-standing.
What the hell's he doing attacking Christians like this? Would he feel comfortable attacking members of another religion?
I dunno, maybe he should be reported under Twitter's new rules against hate speech against a religious group.
He does support that kind of thing so he really can't object to my suggestion of it.
Example: This thread.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:24 PM
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