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July 05, 2019
Queen of Conspiracies Rachel Maddow Continues to Drop Viewers Faster Than Russia Can Sabotage Midwestern Power Stations During a Blizzard
Down the rabbit hole, down the ratings hole.
"The Rachel Maddow Show" averaged 2,450,000 viewers per night in the month of June, down from 2,608,000 in the month of May, according to Nielsen Media Research.
Maddow's show was the third-highest rated show on cable news behind "Hannity," which finished first with 3,217,000 average viewers per night, and "Tucker Carlson Tonight," which finished in second place with an average of 2,841,000 average viewers per night. Both Hannity and Carlson saw an increase in viewership from the month of May, improving from 3,138,000 average viewers per night, and 2,761,000 viewers per night, respectively.
Her initial ratings following Attorney General Bill Barr's summary of the Mueller report dropped 17%, and the recent ratings report show she still hasn’t recovered.
Here are some other stories that don't warrant a full post, and I really want to clear them out of my opened tabs:
Even Joe Scarborough is lighting up the Red Alert on the Democrats' hard pivot to the hard left.
If you found yourself watching the Democratic 2020 presidential debates last week and thinking that the candidates have become so openminded that their brains have fallen out, it appears you are not alone. Even MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, a former Republican Congressman, had to point out how extreme the party has become in their open borders, overspending, big government crusade.
"Democratic candidates, you now support: (1) universal health care for illegal immigrants, (2) making illegally crossing America’s borders legal, and, (3) a return to forced busing," the host of Morning Joe tweeted.
They also support doxxing and threatening little girls who make AOC parody videos.
"The Left's Harassment and death threats have gone too far for our family. We have been getting calls on our personal phone numbers," Martinez's stepfather Salvatore Schachter tweeted. "For our safety and for our child's safety, we deleted all Mini AOC accounts."

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:15 PM
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