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June 25, 2019
Winning: Mexico Sends 15,000 Troops to Border to Curb Immigrant Flow to the North
So tired of all the winning.
From the very first day Donald Trump could call himself "president," we've heard leftists and establishment conservatives say that his aggressive diplomatic style -- of negotiating with other governments -- won't produce anything useful. Trump was just angering them, and by doing so, he would actually end up undermining America's national interests.
Well, I think we can put that criticism of the president to rest:
CNN correspondent Nick Valencia reports that Mexican Secretary of Defense Luis Sandoval has announced that he'll send nearly 15,000 extra troops to the Mexican border with the United States. Their number one job? To "curve the migration flow."
Tariffs and economic sanctions never work. You know what does work, every single time? Sending US troops to invade and then nation-build other countries. That works every time, 60% of the time.*
* Caution: May not work 60% of the time.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:15 PM
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