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July 16, 2019
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
Biden's my man, because who better to tamp down the enthusiasm of the maniacal farther-left of the Democrat party? He's a tedious old fool who is a boring speaker, has no signature cause or accomplishments, and panders to the last people in the news without being able to suggest concrete entitlement payouts because he is terrified of making a tactical error and alienating some other group. His only saving grace is that he comes off as the doddering uncle who brings candy for the kids (and then paws them and smells their hair: but that's a different issue).
Is he really going to energize the Antifa fascists to go vote and stuff ballot boxes and intimidate Republican voters? Are the insane Gaia-loving enviro-wackadoodles going to rush to the polls to vote early and often to support a 77-year-old career politician who looks like everything they hate?
However, a credible argument could be made for any one of the 93 people currently campaigning for the Democrat nomination...Warren is a shrewish, nagging middle school principal; Sanders is a crazy dude who wandered in off the street and smells faintly of vomit and patchouli; Harris is a nasty and hectoring backstabber who rifles through the overcoats in the den looking for wallets; and Buttigieg looks like a cartoon character who wandered in from another dimension. And the rest of them? Even weirder and dumber.
Any one of these people should be beatable by President Trump, in spite of their many advantages; first and foremost of which is the Media-Industrial-Complex being completely and totally in the bag for the Democrats. But that may not be such a bad thing; disseminating without a critical eye every idiotic comment from every corner of the leftist cesspit certainly won't endear the Democrat party to the American people.
Commenter Monty James made an important point this morning...
It's not 11d chess. It's just been so long since we've seen a Republican get in and mix it up with Democrats that we confuse it for some master plan; most of them don't like to get their bow ties mussed.
As much as I am sometimes frustrated by the President's insistence on getting the last word, simply not caving works wonders!
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