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June 19, 2019
Department of Education Investigating Use of Federal Funds to Stage Anti-Israel/Borderline Anti-Semitic Protests on College Campuses
Would a GOPe administration investigate this, or would it just go along to get along?
Gotta keep on "the right side of history," you know.
The Education Department has informed Congress that it is launching an investigation into how $235,000 in federal grants were used to fund a series of anti-Israel events that featured speakers and events tied to Palestinian terror groups organized by Duke University and the University of North Carolina.
Secretary of Education Molly DeVos informed Rep. George Holding (R., Ga.), a member of the Ways and Means Committee, that she has directed her agency to investigate how these funds were used and whether they violated grant conditions, according to a letter sent to Holding, who had initially requested an investigation into the anti-Israel conference in April.
The conference in question, titled "Conflict over Gaza: People, Politics, and Possibilities," was co-sponsored by the Duke-UNC Consortium for Middle East Studies, which reportedly "applied for and received a $235,000 grant through the Department of Education in 2018."
Several of the events held during the conference were organized by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), a group that has been at the center of anti-Israel controversy on many U.S. campuses. SJP branches have been known to distribute anti-Semitic propaganda and has been cited by multiple watchdog groups for fostering unsafe environments for Jewish students.
Several speakers at the event in question were videotaped discussing how they held meetings with members of the Popular Front for the Liberations of Palestine, or PFLP, which has been designated as a foreign terror organization.
In addition, conference speakers, including Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour, who has been accused of spreading anti-Semitism, are said to have repeatedly maligned Israel and pro-Israel Jews.
Meanwhile, this fucking dummy continues to impress:
Time to leak this woman's SAT scores, as well as whether she got extra time on the SAT owing to some learning disability.
I actually think she's borderline retarded.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:59 PM
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