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June 18, 2019
Rachel Maddow Is Love-Bombing the New York Times -- Mentioning Them Positively 18 Times in a Single 45 Minute Hour Long Show -- To Get Them to Let Their Reporters Come On Her Crooked Conspiracy-Theory Showcase Again
In the wake of the New York Times barring reporters from going on her conspiracy-theory cavalcade, she's teleflirting with them like crazy.
From FoxNews:
Maddow -- and occasional fill-in hosts -- have mentioned the New York Times at least a whopping 41 times on her show since May 30, when Vanity Fair reported that the paper wanted its reporters to stay far away from far-left and far-right programs. That included Maddow's, because it was too liberal, even for the paper that is often considered left-leaning itself. The staggering 41 mentions over only 13 episodes does not include guests, who have also evoked the Times on "The Rachel Maddow Show."
Maddow's obsession to make nice with the Gray Lady reached new heights on Monday night, when she mentioned the paper 18 times in one hour.
That weird-looking dude with the big nose is weird.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:00 PM
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