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June 12, 2019
Poll by Lansing-Based Company Finds That Fake Libertarian Justin Amash Trails His Primary Challenger, Jim Lower, By... 16%
This is an outfit called Practical Political Consulting.
The cucks are just beside themselves and emotionally overwrought.
As usual.
They're mentally healthy.
Say, do you guys remember when Bush the younger imposed some tariffs on imported steel to protect the steel industry? The cucks offered some obligatory, desultory criticism, but it was pretty plain that they didn't view this as any big shakes. They just felt that they were supposed to say something mildly critical.
Now suddenly an archlibertarian devotion to not just free movement of goods across borders but the free movement of labor (immigrants) is the sine qua non of the conservative movement.
A friend says he remembers the steel tariffs differently. He says he remembers the Corporate Cuckists defending the steel tariffs as a smart political play to win Pennsylvania in 2004, and also as a wise tactical maneuver to get Fast Track trade authority from Congress.
Say, remember when I proposed the Andrew Sullivan Freak-Out Advisory, and AllahPundit whipped up this graphic?

It amuses me that AllahPundit is now blazing through the Freak-Out levels himself.
Oh, the heart-ache of all the gobsmacking vileness!

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:07 PM
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