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June 12, 2019
Michael Flynn Hires "Licensed to Lie" Author Sydney Powell, a Former Federal Prosecutor, as His Lawyer, Signalling Either a Bid for a Pardon or a New Combativeness Against Mueller and Weissman, or Probably Both
Licensed to Lie is all about the government's shady Enron prosecutions, in which Andrew Weissman played a prominent part.
Powell, a harsh critic of Robert Mueller's Russia investigation, recently published a new book, "Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice." The book focuses heavily on Andrew Weissmann, a key prosecutor on Mueller's team, who Powell has called "the poster boy for prosecutorial misconduct."
"I am honored to represent General Flynn who is continuing to cooperate with the government pursuant to his plea agreement," Powell told Axios in a statement.
Powell is a tough critic of Mueller as well.
"As least as a federal prosecutor for 10 years under nine different U.S. attorneys in three districts across the country, I was taught, and I taught others, that if you don’t have a solid case, don’t turn somebody's life upside down and literally ruin their lives and that of their families just because you want to try to notch your belt with somebody’s scalp or get your name in the newspaper or whatever," Powell said.
"It couldn’t have been more divisive," Powell said of Mueller's press conference. "He's even going to be dividing lawyers now. I mean, I'm sure there's some lawyers that despise this president so badly, and I don't understand why. I mean, I get that people disagree with some of the policies, but I mean, really, the law is supposed to be the law regardless of who’s in office. And what we’ve witnessed in the last, I don’t know, 15, 20 years, and it's an extraordinary rise of double standards where people who are Democrats are given passes on clear offenses, and Republicans are literally targeted and prosecuted and their lives destroyed on things that are even made up."
Powell said Mueller knew was no conspiracy even before he started to investigate. She went on to say that Americans just want the unvarnished truth and just "let the chips fall where they may." Until that happens, Powell said, no one in the country can have faith in the DOJ or FBI.
"He shouldn't have been appointed in the first place. There should never have been a special counsel appointed. The president had every right to fire James Comey. To launch an obstruction of justice investigation over that was absurd. And I think Mr. Mueller knew before he started the job that there was no collusion. I don't see how he could not have known that when Andrew Weissmann, his head henchman, was running the back channel with Bruce Ohr and Christopher Steele between the FBI and the Department of Justice on the bogus Steele dossier," Powell said.
She's a flinty gal.
Video of that interview at the second link.
Thanks to Deep State is in Deep Shit.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:05 PM
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