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June 10, 2019
Oh Yes: Boris Johnson Threatens to Withhold $50 Billion Payment that the UK Supposedly Owes the EU Unless the EU Plays Ball on Brexit
Sargon of Akkad has long argued that the UK, far from being helpless in the Brexit negotiations, had the high cards -- they supposedly owe the EU $50 billion for whatever reason, and they could just tell the EU they're cancelling the debt, unless the EU starts acting more reasonably.
Theresa May refused to even discuss this.
Johnson just threatened it. With Trumpian vigor.
Boris Johnson, the leading candidate to succeed Theresa May as Britain’s next prime minister, said he would withhold a previously agreed 39 billion pound ($50 billion) Brexit payment until the European Union gives Britain better exit terms.
"I always thought it was extraordinary that we should agree to write that entire cheque before having a final deal. In getting a good deal, money is a great solvent and a great lubricant," Johnson told the Sunday Times.
Make the UK Great Again!

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:28 PM
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