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June 06, 2019
Another Stunt: Democrats Flying Psychiatrists to Washington to "Diagnose" Trump as Crazy
Wait, who's crazy? Trump, or the neurotic lunatics who obsess about him 24/7?
Democrats want to bring a panel of psychiatrists to Washington to suggest that President Donald Trump is mentally unfit to be president.
Kentucky Democratic Rep. John Yarmuth has been tasked with coordinating the project, now planned for July, the Washington Examiner reported Wednesday.
"We’re planning to put together an event … a town hall. We haven’t actually determined the format," Yarmuth said.
More from the Washington Examiner.
The event will be led by Dr. Bandy Lee, a Yale School of Medicine psychiatrist and editor of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, a book that argues psychiatrists have a responsibility to warn the public when a president is dangerous. The position is controversial because psychiatric associations urge members never to diagnose patients they haven't personally evaluated, saying it undermines the scientific rigor of the profession.
But Lee and others who agree with her stance say that their description of the president's behavior, of his showing mental instability and dangerousness, shouldn't be interpreted as issuing a diagnosis.
Lee said the event is to allow members of Congress to ask her and other experts questions, but planners hope the town hall will be broadcast live so that people who aren't in D.C. also would be able to watch and submit questions.
Lee said the experts won't make specific recommendations about whether Congress should consider invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the president from office or whether they should do so by impeachment. The political process should be determined by members of Congress, she said.
I propose assembling a team of neurologists to discuss whether Nancy Pelosi's slurred speech and difficulty remembering basic words is evidence of Alzheimer's.
And then I'd like to discuss whether Hillary Clinton has some kind of brain defect, and if she's an alcoholic.
This is the strange bird who will be leading this off-brand inquiry into the president's sanity. She (???) looks normal.

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:25 PM
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