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June 03, 2019
The Morning Rant

"So, Trump retweet a compilation (i.e. "deceptively edited") video of Nancy Pelosi slurring her words like a hopeless drunk, and the hair-on-fire media, specifically the Daily Beast, decides that this is an intolerable affront, so whoever is responsible for it must be tracked down and exposed. Which they did, under the pretense that it was a "news" story. They find out he's on Facebook, so they go to Facebook, and Facebook just gives them the guy's personal data. They guy didn't break any laws. He didn't even break any FB policies, as the video is supposedly still there. This thread by Glenn Greenwald is quite illuminating and lists some other instances where the full power of the MSM was brought to bear on private citizens who said things they didn't like. It turns out, though, that the doxer has a dodgy past himself. The only things that will stop this nonsense are (a) big-ass lawsuits, (b) consequences to the reporters themselves, i.e. they need to get their asses sued *personally* so they can't hide behind their corporate paymasters. By the way, do you know how many silly, "deceptively edited" videos mocking Donald Trump are out there? Do you ever hear the MSM calling for an investigation and doxing of the miscreants who made them? Of course you don't. I'm really getting tired of their one-directional incuriosity. Maybe we should have some congressional legislation that would force everyone in the MSM to take a 50% pay cut. Because clearly they're they're only doing their jobs half the time."
And Here's the Brave Journalismist Who Doxed A Private Citizen For Mocking Nancy Pelosi:
Holy Crap, This Is Like Going To A #MeToo Conference Run By Bill Clinton And Harvey Weinstein:
Progressives Are Savages:
The definition of the true savage is that he laughs when he hurts you; and howls when you hurt him.
--G. K. Chesterton
Believe It Or Not, This Is Not A Parody Account:
Now This Is a KAF*:
Who Dis:
For the 'Ettes:
Friday's celebs: Italian actress Monica Bellucci and Italian-American quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Cold Stone Ice Cream:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:24 AM
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