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May 30, 2019
Prepare for a Shock: Lyon, France Parcel Bomber Admits to Having Sworn Allegiance to ISIS
At Le Figaro, translation mine.
Explosion at Lyon: The suspect admits having sworn allegiance to Daech [ISIS]
The 24-year-old suspect has also admitted Wednesday of having planned the parcel bomb, whose explosion had caused thirteen light wounds.
"Not very talkative" since his arrest Monday, the principle suspect of the attack in Lyon has made his first statements after forty eight hours in custody...
According to another source cited by Reuters, he indicated that he wanted to increase the populist and racist vote before the European elections on Sunday for pushing the Muslims to revolution.
That sounds like the sort of False Flag theory that the media denounces, when it isn't spreading them themselves.
If he wanted to make the "populists" and "racists" blame Muslims, why did he he conceal his identity instead of wearing a kaffiya and smiling for the cameras?
But the establishment had an early theory that this was't about radical Islam but about the the European elections, so I guess a source is still trying to partly save that theory.
Or, who knows, it might be true. But it seems strangely convoluted a motive.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:09 PM
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