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May 28, 2019
Gun Control Lobbyist Arrested for Assault, Domestic Violence, and False Imprisonment;
For Some Reason the Leftwing Media Takes No Interest
Someone remarked, "I swear, these people demand government control because they know they need someone to control themselves, and they're not up to the job."
Robert Blaisdell, managing partner for Demers, Blaisdell & Parsol Inc. and a lobbyist for Michael Bloomberg's "Everytown" gun control group, was arrested earlier in May on a whole host of charges in Manchester, New Hampshire. He was charged on domestic violence-related crimes of simple assault, false imprisonment, and criminal mischief. Police say Blaisdell "knowingly" confined a family member, trapping his victim by "holding the laundry room door closed over a period of several minutes." Police claim that Blaisdell also stepped on the person's hand during the incident, and also allegedly destroyed their cellphone.
Blaisdell's arrest on some pretty serious charges is being treated as a strictly local story, despite, as Steve MacDonald aptly put it at Granite Grok, being someone who "advocates for the government disarming women, was arrested in Manchester… for domestic violence, among other charges." The irony is delicious, and exactly the kind of thing the left-wing national media would have a field day with... were Blaisdell not one of their own.
I think they protect each other not just for ideological reasons but as part of their unspoken (or actually spoken) Guild code; all of these people know each other's dirty secrets, and if one person starts squealing, who knows what will come out.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:12 PM
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