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May 27, 2019
The Morning Rant

"As the inestimable J.J. Sefton reported in today's Morning Report, some blue-checkmark d*ckhole from floundering Time magazine pushed out a quote on Twitter from President Trump that was totally fabricated, i.e. he made up the whole thing himself. He later defended as 'kinda plausible' that Trump would go to Japan and remark within earshot of the press that Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better president than Sleepy Joe Biden. I think he wanted to make Trump look bad, but what happened was that a bunch of hair-on-fire blue-checkmarkers ran with it without bothering to verify whether Trump actually said it (after all, the source was one of their fellow blue checkmarks, so how could it be wrong?) and it pretty much blew up in their faces. There was only one media guy who said, hey you know, maybe we'd better check into this first, but something like this is like catnip to the Trump haters in the clown car media and their confirmation bias bit them right in the ass. So, a good weekend. But seriously, don't you think there should be consequences for something like this? I mean, with all the fuss about 'fake news', here's a situation where a blue-checkmark guy used his blue checkmark status to propagate a bit of fake news, and I think he should pay for it, i.e. his blue-checkmark status should be revoked for a time, perhaps permanently. And furthermore, it should be the other blue checkmark scribblers who should be raising the hue and cry about this because the Time d*ckhole's stunt made them all look bad. If the media were serious about the quality of the product they sell, this guy would be fired or reassigned to emptying wastebaskets and sharpening pencils at the Time front office. And everyone who fell for it should all suffer similar consequences. But they're not, so they won't, and so it's just another day in the clown car media where you can always trust anything said by someone with a blue checkmark and #OrangeManBad."
Aged To Perfection:
You Will Never Find A More Wretched Hive Of Scum And Villainy:

More on this farce
here. And
here. The long war on President Trump continues.
The Money Laundering Operation:
We Can Only Hope:
Harsh, But Fair:
Who Dis:
For the 'Ettes:

Friday's celebs: Appearing in Mad Max 4: Fury Road, Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Bacon Onion Rings:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:39 AM
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