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May 22, 2019
Former CNN and MSNBC Permanent Guest Michael Avenatti Faces New Indictment For Impersonating Client and Stealing $300,000 in Advances For Her Book
The indictment doesn't name the victim.
But people are speculating her name rhymes with Stormy Daniels.
I don't know whether to laugh or laugh.
Some cops have a bit of slang: "the two-way hero." A two-way hero is a criminal who murders another criminal, making him a hero once-over. But then the criminal is so sloppy in his murder he gives the police a slam-dunk case to put him away for decades, thus taking another criminal off the streets.
Making him a hero a second time.
Micheal Avenatti is a two-way hero. We'll see if he eventually turns into a three or four way hero.
More: The Media Knew He Was a Raging Head-Case, But Booked Him Anyway: The Five just mentioned this, but Instapundit had a post on it earlier.
As Tim Carney of the Washington Examiner tweets, "Turns out a lot of our media knew what kind of guy Avenatti was before they told the rest of us. They put up with it, because they liked what he was selling."
Can't wait to see the list of stupid liberal DC women who slept with him.
Rumor has it the guy put up solid numbers. Solid.
Always worth remembering:
A thousand cucks bleating that we must be "civil" to ferocious monsters doesn't make it so.
Oddly, the cucks' desire to be kind to Democrats and socialists does not translate into treating conservative rivals with civility.
I wonder why.
Oh right, because they are cosmpolitan liberals who despise conservatives and disagree with them on all but 2-3 points, points which are arguably not even "conservative," simply pro-corporate and pro-war.
Early threadwinner:
38 *Sweats profusely, trying to think of of a way to tie Avenatti, Christian shaming and Game of Thrones into one column*
Posted by: David French

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:42 PM
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