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May 23, 2019
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
America is not an anti-Semitic country. Oh, there have been times and places in which it was common, but much of it was driven by social mores rather than the structural anti-Semitism of many European countries. But if there is an institution in which one can count on to find anti-Semitism, it is Academia. From the Jewish quotas at Harvard to the current vicious Jew-hate on many college campuses, It has been a fixture for a century, and is getting worse and worse.
Is it a harbinger of things to come in America? No, I don't think so, but as J.J. Sefton has ably pointed out, the Left has taken over the academy, and is filling our children's heads with mush in their formative years, and filling them with hate as they reach adulthood.
Part of that mush is a careful, well orchestrated decoupling of Zionism from anti-Semitism, as if the hopes and aspirations of Jews across the world, and across history for the reestablishment of the Jewish state in its historic location can be separated from Jews and Judaism. It has been part of the bedrock of Judaism since the Romans drove the Jews from Israel in the first century. In fact, there were other exiles mentioned in the bible, including the Babylonian Captivity, and they played a pivotal role in Judaism and its historical drive to return to the land of Israel.
So anybody who tells me that they are anti-Zionist but not anti-Semitic is going to hear about how I have upped my ammunition purchases, and that the people on my side of the barricades are much better shots.
My only question for Ellen Schanzer (the young lady who withdrew from NYU) is; "How has your family voted and donated since the Democrat party joined hands with the Jew-Hating Left?"
Because until the assimilated Jews of America decide that Jew-hate is not acceptable, they will continue to donate to leftist causes and vote for every Democrat on the ballot, and nothing will change in Academia.
I do not believe that it is in America's DNA to embrace the Left's hatred of Jews and Judaism, but they can create havoc, even with their small numbers. So, while I am optimistic, I'm also rational. And I am going to need more storage space very soon.
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posted by CBD at
11:00 AM
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