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May 17, 2019
Peacock of CNN, Jim Acosta, Spreads Misquote on Twitter, Then, When It Is Proven Conclusively That He Is Spreading Fake News, Doubles Down on the Lie
When will Twitter suspend Jim Acosta for deliberately spreading fake news?
Oh, that's right. The Credentialed Media can lie as much as they like. They define reality.
But what Trump actually said is that frivolous claims clog up the system and prevent the meritorious claims from being processed.
Instead of admitting he got it wrong (or deliberately lied), Acosta chooses to argue that he is right... in spirit!
Trump said some of those claims are hoaxes.
And he's right. If you consider eighty percent to suffice to be called "some."
Garbage. Absolute garbage. He should be mass-reported to Twitter, just to force Twitter into the position of having to admit that reporters can do anything on Twitter, including spreading complete fictions and unhinged conspiracy theories.

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:08 PM
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