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May 15, 2019
Former FBI Assistant Director of Intelligence: Comey Should Be Worried
Cucked-out pencil-neck incel sasquatch should start communing with lawyers instead of redwoods.
AG Barr understands well that the FBI is dead as an agency -- undeserving of the nation's trust -- if it is commonly perceived to be a weapon for political vagaries rather than an impartial, objective enforcer of the rule of law so vital to the survival of democratic governance.
These three initiatives will either validate Comey's claim that everything he and his team did was "by the book" or they will expose grievous abuses that will invite reforms to ensure this never happens again.
Comey's claim that he and his team did everything "by the book" also should invite scrutiny. He is controversial precisely because so many of his actions were not by the book.
Conducting any investigation -- as Comey did -- out of FBI headquarters, let alone the Director's Office, is not by the book. It is so outside "the book" that current FBI Director Christopher Wray is implementing policy, according to reliable internal sources, that restores investigations exclusively to the field offices and prohibits headquarters -- where the FBI most closely intersects with the flame of political D.C. -- from ever conducting investigations again. Prudent, and good news for the country.
Comey said that running confidential human sources and undercover operatives is normal activity. It is, but under tight restrictions. Targeting U.S. citizens working for a presidential campaign with confidential sources, non-FBI undercover investigators, and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) electronic surveillance, is not normal. It's never been done before. There is no "book" for it.
In addition, experienced counterintelligence investigators will tell you that when there is an intersection of Russian intelligence operatives and a U.S. citizen, the normal "book" calls for the FBI to warn the American about Russian intelligence "tricks" and then obtain cooperation, to help learn even more about Russian objectives.
This traditional book was not followed by Comey's team, nor were those courtesies extended to the Trump campaign. Instead, campaign members were immediately targeted for investigation. In light of Comey's recent [virulently anti-Trump, clearly partisan] comments, we may now know why.
Soothsayer asked why, if these guys really feared legal jeopardy, they'd continue playing to #TheResistance.
Well, I'm not saying this is definitely true, but it is a possible answer: Because 35% of the country is hardcore #TheResistance and if you convince them you done good by breaking the law to get OrangeManBad, they'll basically exercise jury nullification and refuse to convict you.
Remember Susan MacDougal? Seemed they had her dead to rights, but Clinton worshippers knew that she had refused to testify against Clinton and they refused to convict.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:58 PM
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