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May 10, 2019
Trump's Approval Rating Climbs in RealClearPolitics' Average of Polls
Pretty straightforward from here.
1. Trump's approval rating climbs to 47% and he wins re-election easily.
2. Video clips of the networks covering Trump's win replace actual pornography for 50% of the public.
3. Hillary is appointed president of Cell Block D.
Earlier this week, Gallup Poll reported that Trump’s approval rating had hit an all-time high for him, and even higher than Obama at the same point of his presidency. Today, there’s even more good news for Trump. USA Today reports today that Trump’s approval rating "has surged to its highest level since his first month in office, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average."
The average approval rating for the president's performance is at 45.1%, according to the average of polls calculated by the site. The last time Trump hit that mark was Feb. 21, 2017. The highest number his average job approval reached on RCP was 46% on Feb. 4. The lowest was 37%, which came on Dec. 13, 2017.
The apparent spike in Trump's job approval comes after a flurry of positive economic data and the release of the redacted report from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, which did not find a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives trying to sway the 2016 election.
I read some years ago -- I forget the source -- that, for presidential election purposes, the public's view of the economy is more or less determined by economic conditions a year or 18 months before the election.
If that's true, Trump's in pretty good shape.
Add into that that a 45% approval rate is all you need to win these days.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:18 PM
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