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May 08, 2019
Trump's Special Counsel Slams Comey, Mueller in a Letter to AG Barr
Several good points made in the letter, which is excerpted at Powerline.
Trump's Special Counsel William Flood comments on the bizarrely inverted standard Mueller and his team of 17 angry Democrats created just for OrangeManBad: That the DOJ must establish proof beyond a reasonable doubt of innocence, or else Trump remains accused:
In the American justice system, innocence is presumed: there is never any need for prosecutors to "conclusively determine" it. Nor is there any place for such a determination. Our country would be a very different (and very dangerous) place if prosecutors applied the [special counsel’s] standard and citizens were obliged to prove "conclusively... that no criminal conduct occurred."
[T]he [special counsel's] inverted-proof standard and "exoneration" statements can be understood only as political statements, issuing from persons (federal prosecutors) who in our system of government are rightly expected never to be political in the performance of their duties.
He then turns to Comey -- and maybe Brennan or Clapper, too. (If the reference to an "intelligence service chief" is to Brennan or Clapper.)
[Trump's Special Counsel William Flood] then condemns the "campaign of illegal leaks against the President," many of which "were felonies." These leaks "disclosed the identity of a U.S. person in violation of his civil rights; they misused intelligence for partisan political purposes; and they eroded confidence in the integrity and impartiality of our intelligence services."
Flood complains:
The criminal investigation began with a breach of confidentiality executed by a very senior administration official who was himself an intelligence service chief. This leak of confidential information, personally directed by the former Director of the FBI, triggered the creation of [the special counsel’s office] itself -- precisely as it was intended to do.
Not so long ago, the idea that a law enforcement official might provide the press with confidential governmental information for the proclaimed purpose of prompting a criminal investigation of an identified individual would have troubled Americans of all political persuasions. That the head of our country's top law enforcement agency has actually done so to the President of the United States should frighten every friend of individual liberty.
Thanks to Guy Smiley.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:20 PM
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