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May 07, 2019
Seven Injured in Colorado School Shooting;
Two Suspects in Custody
Update: The incident seems to be over. Two suspects have been arrested.
The shooter is still at large, I think. The media is calling it an "unstable situation," which I take to mean a crime in progress.
An "unstable situation" was unfolding at a Colorado school Tuesday afternoon with reports of shots fired and multiple injuries, the Douglas County Sheriff's Office said.
Two people were thought to be injured in the incident that took place "at STEM school at Ridgeline and Plaza," the Douglas County Sheriff's Office tweeted.
Authorities responded at 1:53 p.m. local time for a "call of shots fired in school" and deputies are actively working on "identifying and locating shooter(s)," they later added.
Somewhere Breaking News Shep! is grinning like a simpleton. He just beams when people are getting shot.
"It's interesting when people die," as the song goes.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:14 PM
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