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May 06, 2019
Forbes: Twitter is a Garbage Fire and That Fire is Dying
Twitter is fading. Fast. In the last six years it has dropped by 100 million tweeting users per day, plummeting from an average of 350 million posting users to just 250 million, while its total tweet volume has dropped from 500 million tweets to just 300 million tweets. Its remaining user accounts are aging steadily, retweets are up to almost 50% of all tweets and verified tweets and their retweets alone account for 10% of total volume.
As Clownfish put it, Twitter is increasingly just bluecheckmark jagoffs retweeting each other.
In short, Twitter has been in a six-year decline and stagnation it can't seem to shake. The company's solution? To pivot to yet another definition of what counts as a "user" in a desperate attempt to paint its decline in a more positive light.
In the last seven years, Twitter has experienced a slow steady collapse in the popularity of its service. It is down more than 100 million daily tweeting users and down almost 200 million daily tweets while its user base is stagnating and it is transitioning from a content platform to a behavioral platform.
The company's answer to this steady decline has been to rebrand its growth, redefining what it counts as a "user" to something that paints a slightly rosier picture of the company's future prospects.
This story is a week old. I heard about it through Clownfish, who talked about.

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:56 PM
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