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May 03, 2019
Washington Post: The President Might, Get This, Use Justice Department Resources to Harass and Investigate His Rival!!!!
Oh really?
From Comrade Arthur (who posted this in the sidebar), the Washington Post is suddenly highly alarmed by the prospect of an administration using law enforcement resources to rig an election.
The 2020 election is going to be ugly in many different ways. If you thought Donald Trump ran a rancid campaign when he was trying to make it to the White House, just you wait until he's fighting to preserve his power. It has been obvious for some time that President Trump is planning to promote hatred and division, but one thing we haven't yet focused on is how he will use the resources of the federal government to make sure he wins reelection.
I'm glad Obama didn't use racial appeals and hatred and division, as well as the DOJ, FBI, and CIA, to hand Hillary Clinton a "W" to protect his own legacy.
And who knows -- possibly protect himself from legal jeopardy.
Trump may already be preparing to mobilize the federal government's resources to destroy his opponent, whoever that turns out to be. The New York Times has a new piece featuring what is sometimes called an oppo drop: a news story about a politician initiated by a political rival passing damaging information to reporters. It happens all the time, and it's not necessarily illegitimate as journalism, because the information itself may be relevant and the journalist does his or her own investigation to verify what they've been told.
But in this case, the Times acknowledges the story's provenance right in the headline: "Biden Faces Conflict of Interest Questions That Are Being Promoted by Trump and Allies."
Say, you know who sent her own oppo dump to her cronies in the government bureaucracy to get Sydney Blumenthal's and Cody Shearer's conspiracy theories turned into an FBI/CIA investigation?
Glad to see that you monsters are worried about this now.
And you should be worried -- because I'll support Trump every step of the way when he weaponizes the government against you, the same as you did to him (and us).
You wanted Thunderdome for your enemies?
Get ready for Thunderdome for yourselves.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:29 PM
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